Friday, January 1, 2010

HELLO 2010!!!

So this is the year I have decided to STOP thinking about the things I want to do, and actually put the wheels in motion and start doing them!  :)  Yes, this was a NY's resolution and it's already completed.  Yay for me! 

Watch out Pioneer Woman....Callie Winter is on the Net!!  hahahahahahaahaha!!! 

I have been wanting to start a blog for some time now.  Not that I have any information, ideas, suggestions, or thoughts that are life-changing or anything....but I do have things that I would like to share with those whom are interested.  Whether its a recipe, a favorite find at the mall, a good sale, or just a note/picture about my family....that's what this is for.   

I hope you enjoy!!!


  1. You go girl!! I'm so proud of you. I need to get back on the blogging train myself! Love you and miss you dearly!!

  2. So glad you have a blog!! I'll be reading!
