Sunday, August 1, 2010

Beef: It's what's for dinner.

Greg wanted a ribeye tonight so I sent him to the store to pick them out and grab a few veggies. 
What I didn't take into consideration was that we had only eaten breakfast today and had been working out in the yard for about 5 hours on what was predicted to be the hottest day of the year thus far.

This means, I sent him to the store hungry.  Very hungry.
He came home with $32 worth of steak and $4 worth of veggies.  I decided we MUST have some fruit as well, so I threw some pineapple (that Melissa sent us from MAUI) on the grill too. 

Here was the final product:
Oven Roasted Corn w/ chili/lime butter, Green salad, Grilled pineapple and Ribeye Steak
This was my plate.  Greg's steak was actually even bigger, but he had already cut into his before I could even get my camera lens off.  I must say, this was the very best steak I have ever cooked.  In fact, it was pretty close to perfection.  Nothing but salt and pepper and a grill that was about 600+ degrees. 

I have never been super confident in my grilling, but with ALL of the Food Network shows I watch, I finally decided I really could grill like Bobby Flay.  There is just one rule.....Don't Fear the Flame.  Let them be.  Don't touch.  Don't even peek.  Let the grill, the heat, the flames do their job for crying out loud! 
And always, let them rest after you pull them off.  It makes ALL the difference in the world. 

The verdict:  Greg said it was amazing.  Restaurant quality.  The best steaks I have ever made.  

Yaaaay for me!....and my tummy. 
Now, time for bed! 

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